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Kawadoko, Summer Dining Floor over the River, in Kibune


Kawadoko, Summer Dining Floor over the River, in Kibune

At the Kibune district, deep north of Kyoto, summer dining floors over the river called Kawadoko, is now on the season. The district is famous as a summer resort for Kansai residents, because of the temperature 5-10 degrees Celsius lower than that of in the center of Kyoto. Please enjoy delicate Kyoto cuisine while listening to the murmur of the fresh Kibune river. Reservations recommended.

Date: Tuesday, May 1 - Sunday, September 30

Click the below link for more details.

Kyoto Karasuma Gojo Tourist Information Center (in Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata)


〒600-8103 京都府京都市下京区塩竈町353

353, Shiogamacho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto City
TEL:075-354-8515(country code+81)

Daily from 10:00 to 17:30

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