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What's Like the GION Festival Tour with a Former Maiko?  -Before the Depature-


Here we introduce you the procedures before the departure of our tour, including how to book, chose your YUKATA, dressing, hair styling, and preliminary seminar by Ms. Beniko.
1) How to BookPlease visit "" to book online, or call us at 075-354-8515. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you do not receive an email from us after you booked.
2) Register
Our building is 2 minutes on foot from subway GOJO station.
Take off your shoes please and go to the second floor. Your dream time is about to start!!!
3) Selecting YUKATA (20-30min.)
After the registration, it's time to choose your YUKATA. We have plenty kinds of YUKATAs and OBIs (sash belts) both for male and female. You will LOVE this part if you are fashionable!
4) Changing to YUKATA (approx. 20min.)
Our expert dressers are waiting for you. Our technique will make you look so fresh and beautiful all through the day and the evening without worrying of getting worn out.
5) Hair set (*additional fee required) (approx 20min.)
*Visit here to see the hair style catalog →
*Makeup service, studio photo shoot is available (*additional fee required)   
6) Information Center
We provide useful information of many kinds at the Information Center on the 1st floor of our building. After the payment, please do not forget to get a bottle of mineral water we provide. Please be aware of Heat-attack!
7) Preliminary Seminar
Now you finally meet Ms. Beniko. Let's learn the origin and interesting episodes of GION Festival with her (Approx. 30min.). We deploy one interpreter per language so that you don't have to worry about any language barrier.
It's already very gorgeous, isn't it?​
Now, the preparation is done! Let's get started!!
Please visit here to see the tour Overview

Kyoto Karasuma Gojo Tourist Information Center (in Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata)


〒600-8103 京都府京都市下京区塩竈町353

353, Shiogamacho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto City
TEL:075-354-8515(country code+81)

Daily from 10:00 to 17:30

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