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Kodaiji Temple

A few days ago, I visited Kodaiji (高台寺) temple with my friends too see the temple's cultural heritage which is open to the public only temporarily. In fact, it's been five years since the Garyorou (臥龍廊, an ascending corridor which leads to the Tenboudai) and the Tenboudai (展望台) was disclosed to public last time.

At first, we visited the temple buiding called Hashintei (波心亭) in the premises. The garden made of white sand was shining like waves.

The Garyorou (臥龍廊) looks like a dragon, and that's how it got the name.

They say that Hideyoshi Toyotomi (豊臣秀吉), the ruler of Japan, saw the river in Osaka from this Tenboudai.

Here's a sad story. Hideyoshi's wife Nene (ねね), the owner of temple, is said to be seeing the war fire in Osaka from here. She shed tears as she watched her husband's castle fell apart in the flame.

Unfortunately, the weather was bad so that we could not commend a fine view.

Access from YUMEYAKATA:

Kyoto City Bus No.80 from Gojotakakura to Higashiyamayasui




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