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4. Kyoto's Exquisite Cuisine


Kyoto's cuisine are famous for Kyoto vegetables, boiled tofu, dried bean curd, and obanzai(traditional homestyle cookings). Enjoy eating famous local cuisine is one of the great pleasures of the trip.

The restaurants near Yumeyakata are as follows;

Sobanomi Yoshimura … Nearest to Yumeyaka! One of the famous soba noodles retaurants in Kyoto. You can eat newly-made soba.

Hanbeyfu …10 mins walk toward the Keihan Kiyomizu Gojo station. The wheat-gluten bread is recommended as a souvinir of Kyoto.

Harisei … 8 mins walk from Yumeyakata. You can enjoy Kaiseki ryori(Japanese haute cuisine) by Kamo river.

Gohanya Shinkiro … 10 mins walk from Yumeyakata. Restaurant with a relaxing atmosphere at the Miyagawa-cho(one of "flower towns" in Kyoto), where is filled with quaint.

Miyakoyasai Kamo … 10 mins from Yumeyakata. All-you-can-eat Obanzai at reasonable prices You will feel very satisfied!

Okazuya Ishikawa … 15 mins from Yumeyakata Recommed restaurant for dinner standing still. You will feel relaxation.

Ouchigohan Nakajimaya … 10 mins from Yumeyakata. Recommended restaurant for dinner. You can eat obanzai at the town's house of Kyoto.

Kyoto Karasuma Gojo Tourist Information Center (in Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata)


〒600-8103 京都府京都市下京区塩竈町353

353, Shiogamacho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto City
TEL:075-354-8515(country code+81)

Daily from 10:00 to 17:30

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