Let's see the overview of our special ”GION Festival Tour with Ms. Beniko, a Former Maiko" !

So, now that you are dressed in a pretty YUKATA by YUMEYAKATA, done your hair-set, joined the preliminary seminar by Ms. Beniko, and got a bottle of water in your hand, it's time to get started!!!
To start with, we take a group photo in front of our building. Everybody cannot hide the anticipation! All participants are so beautiful in YUMEYAKATA's YUKATAs.

Not to get lost, participants wear a NETSUKE, a charm of Ms. Beniko figure.

Ms. Beniko walks fast! Participants are following. It's hot and humid but you can bear it anyway lol

1) A Tale of Sumarui/Flower Stealer, HOSHO YAMA
The first YAMABOKO (floats of GION Festival) we arrive is HOSHO YAMA. What is the love story of Mr. HOSHO, a samurai who has stolen red plum flowers? Why don't you purchase a good luck charm for winning romance here?

2) All Aboard !! IWATO YAMA
All participants are getting on IWATO YAMA. Believe or not, women were banned to get on by all YAMABOKOs until recently. Nowadays, almost all YAMABOKOs except two accept women.

Such a nice couple joined our tour!

All smiles!
Steep stairs. Watch your step!
3) Three Gods Protecting Armed Empress, FUNE HOKO
This float is built in the shape of an ancient ship. According to a Japanese tale, this ship was used for carrying a Japanese empress named “Jingu Kogo”, who is still worshiped among women as the Goddess of safe delivery.

Photo shoot with three gods is allowed here.
All participants are eager to learn.
4) Full of Humanity, HAKUGA YAMA
Mr. HAKUGA is a musician, but nobody on this earth cares for his music...except his best friend, SHOSHIKI. When HAKUGA heard the news of his best friend's death......

Participants are engrossed in Ms. Beniko's narration. The expression of the statue of HAKUGA is truly overwhelming and worth to see. Now, we are passing by ASHIKARI YAMA, a symbol of harmonious marriage, and headed for TOUROU YAMA, a famous one with it's windup figure of Mantis.

5) A Wind-Up Figure of Mantis on the Top, TOUROU YAMA

Why a mantis? Even our staff members from Kyoto didn't know about it...The mantis waits for the day of YAMABOKO JUNKO (parade) just like this.

6) Symbol of a Good Son, KAKKYO YAMA
Ms. Beniko is such a excellent story teller. NO LANGUAGE BARRIER at all! We send one interpreter per each language.

Passing by TSUKI HOKO with a relief of rabbit in front, we come to the HOKONO TSUJI, the best viewing spot.

7) Five HOKOs at a Glance
At the intersection of SHIJO and MUROMACHI st., five HOKOs such as TSUKI HOKO, KIKUSUI HOKO, KANKO HOKO, NIWATORI HOKO, and NAGINATA HOKO can be viewed at a glance. That's how this place got this name, the HOKO NO TSUJI (Hoko intersection).

8) Pioneer of Accepting Female Visitors, KANKO HOKO
Watching KIKUSUI HOKO, one of the most beautiful ones to our left, we arrive at KANKO HOKO. All participants are stunned by its breathtaking magnificence. This one is said to be the first one which accepted female visitors.

Alright, that's all for now. How was the tour with us? We wait for you to join and create an irreplaceable memory of summer!
Lastly, please see more of these photos of sparking smiles!